- Can traverse any surface rougher than solid steel/glass as easily and fast as flat ground, in any direction that is not 100% upside down
- no ceilings unless they’re extra rough (rough stone yes, smooth stone no, drywall maybe but only if you’re willing to explain the claw marks) but walls are fair game
Form limited to "experienced" unless modified by age
EXCEPTION: Ferenik automatically succeed all climbing checks unless inverted or on smooth surfaces such as glass
- Must make a fortitude test (TN 10) when Running on flat ground
- On a failure, gain one Adrenaline
- -2 to swimming: Ferenik are very leggy and have low body fat, they have a hard time staying afloat
- +4 to construction: Ferenik evolved from trap builders and that carries through to modern day Ferenik, who are known to have a tendency to customize their environments
Utility limited to olympian; all else limited to master
- 20f per round per point of Finesse
- Can't hover: must travel at least 20f per round or will start falling.
- Requires minimum 30f width and 15f height (average wingspan is 20f)
- If minimum speed or airspace isn't possible, the individual will fall 60f per round until they hit the ground
- 10f horizontal, 5f vertical, per point of Form
- Must make Finesse check [TN 10] to land gracefully
- Still requires some space
In general, Narka take no fall damage, but must make a Finesse check [tn 10] to land gracefully: if they fail, they land prone [only damage is to their pride]
Claws on front limbs provide +2 VD to Unarmed Damage
Narka are extremely awkward in tight/enclosed spaces: they’re made of very long bones and very bulky muscle. They may have difficulty maneuvering in situations that require tight turns in small quarters, such as crawling through airducts and getting into the back seat of a vehicle.
Unlike non-winged quadrupeds, Narka are "front-wheel drive" and use their wings as the primary locomotion limbs both on ground and in the air. As such, a jump is functionally the same movement as launching into flying.
Form and Academics limited to Experienced; Finesse limited to Inhuman unless modified by age.
+2 to Frontier Survival
- Homeplanet T't'Tik typically spend half the year out on the land, travelling between Warrens, trawling for bugs, and monitoring ecosystem growth patterns to report back to the local Rhind.
- Even for generations born in space, T't'Tik tend to teach survival skills as a cultural practice, often gravitating towards living in "wilder" ships where they can move between buildings and forests as they see fit.
- T't'Tik are largely arboreal, and prefer scrambling on inclined and/or curved surfaces. This is helped along by their size, being much smaller than most people and thus prone to being stepped on: if there is a partition wall, railing, or high shelf, you can assume the T't'Tik will be there, and not on the ground.
- This does also mean T't'Tik are slow on the ground compared to most species: their ground speed is 5ft/round per tier of finesse. A T't'Tik on the ground moves with a combination of
- T't'Tik are small, dextrous, and quadrupedal: they can be considered immune to prone by virtue of being "always" prone by human standards, and get +1 bonus to Escape & Evasion when dodging or trying to go unseen.
- 15f per round per point of Finesse
- Requires minimum 10f width and 5f height (average wingspan is 10f)
- keep in mind that if there are people or objects in the airspace, those still count as obstacles: an attempt to fly in a crowded corridor will rapidly turn into crowdsurfing unless the ceiling is over 10 feet high
- If minimum airspace isn't possible the individual will fall 60f per round until they have space to recover or they hit the ground.
Compared to Narka, T't'Tik are very dextrous in the air: they can't quite hover the way a hummingbird or drone can, but due to their flexibility they don't have the same stalling issue as Narka.